Let the sun shine

 Lindy Murff, a local farmer that tends to the land between, has successfully created one of God’s most beautiful sights on this planet. Driver’s that travel are struck with a sense of awe at this golden sea.

Cooled by the summer rains and warmed by the sun’s rays, a field of sunflowers has grown to nearly six feet and is catching every driver’s eye as they pass; it’s too extraordinary to look away.

“This was a piece of land that didn’t have any irrigation and we’ve had a hard time growing things on it and we needed something good to look at,” Lindy Murff, the owner of the grass farm said. “Why not flowers instead of a dirty, dried up field?” he asked. And why not? There’s nothing like driving down a long stretch of road, falling asleep at the wheel…and then there they are, staring you in the face, these ‘bright smiley’ flowers…1000’s of them. It would definitely brighten my day.

Last year’s crop produced about two-acres of the tall, green plant with blooms as big as 5-6 inches in diameter.

Mr. Murff was so pleased with the way his field turned out that he says he’ll replant once this year’s season have passed; “Once they’ve quit blooming, I’ll mow them down and replant again,”.

For sunflowers to brighten up your summer look no further than Four Seasons Florist in Aberdeen. Providing Aberdeen Flowers all year round

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